Stores open on Easte

Stores open on Easter: A blessing or a curse?

By [Insert Name]
I was one of those people who were thrilled when I heard that stores would be open on Easter this year. I'm not a religious person, so the holiday doesn't hold much significance for me. But I love to shop, and I'm always looking for an excuse to buy new things.
So when I heard that I could finally get my Easter shopping done on the actual holiday, I was all for it. I got up bright and early on Sunday morning and headed to the mall.
The mall was packed, but I didn't mind. I was having a great time browsing the stores and finding all the best deals. I bought a new dress, a new pair of shoes, and a new handbag. I even found a few things for my kids.
I was so happy with my purchases that I almost forgot about the fact that I was shopping on a religious holiday. But then I started to think about it.
Is it really right to be shopping on Easter? Isn't it a day that's supposed to be set aside for religious observance?
I'm not sure I have the answer to that question. But I do know that I'm glad I was able to get my shopping done on Easter. It was a great day for shopping, and I found some amazing deals.
Of course, not everyone is happy about the fact that stores are open on Easter. Some people believe that it's a violation of the sanctity of the holiday. Others worry that it will lead to people spending more money than they can afford.
I understand these concerns. But I also think that it's important to remember that not everyone celebrates Easter in the same way. For some people, it's a religious holiday. For others, it's just a day off from work or school.
And for some people, it's a great day to go shopping.
I respect the beliefs of everyone who celebrates Easter. But I also believe that people should be free to choose how they want to spend the holiday. If they want to go shopping, then I say let them.
After all, it's a free country.