Study and Topic Research of GMG Tech Engineering Ltd

Despite its young age, GMG TECH was created with a federator aim, has a considerable number of references starting with the founders of the group participators, or workers as well as the various members partners in the organization or consortium.


Study & Topic Research


1. Lake Ichkeul  


The aquaculture industry has suffered a setback in recent years. The study's objective is to make a diagnosis that allows finding possible solutions.

Carried out work:


- Ecological Analyzes o of the Lake Ichkeul

- Its current operation

- Problems

- Solution suggested and its interaction with fauna and the flora

- Action plan.


The lake Ichkeul is a zone highly protected, registered under UNESCO and RAMSAR.


2. Desalination


It is a bibliographical research, technical, economic and environmental impact on the various desalination processes.


3. Photovoltaic


Work concerns:


- Various dies and technologies and their applications,

- The principal actors: research industries and laboratories,

- Various research programs on an international scale

- Large existing power stations on a worldwide scale