Headache Treatment Miami

Headache Treatment Miami

Surgical Migraine Clinic has been helping people with headaches for years and he is confident that his treatment will be the best option for you. Surgical Migraine Clinic has a highly experienced doctor, who specializes in headache relief and prevention, as well as other medical issues such as allergies and sinus infections. We have helped many patients find relief from their pain and suffering by providing them with an individualized approach to their needs, which can include medication management or even surgery if necessary. If you are suffering from a headache or migraine that is not going away, call us to set up a consultation.

We offer treatment for all types headache treatment Miami including:

Medication Management – We will prescribe a combination of medications that work best for your specific type of headache.

Individualized Treatment Plan – You won't be handed some one-size-fits-all prescription; we'll work with you on the management plan that works best for your lifestyle and illness.

Surgical options include endoscopic procedures (that require no open incisions) or traditional (open craniotomy). Our doctor is highly experienced in performing both types of surgeries. This allows our patients to make an informed decision on which surgery they would prefer after fully understanding the risks and benefits of each procedure.

Education & Lifestyle Counselling – Our team members are available to answer questions about life with chronic headaches and our providers are committed to helping every patient find new ways to improve quality of life through healthier habits.

Surgical Migraine Clinic has been in business for years and is one of the most trusted headache clinic in the country. We offer a variety of services including Botox, medical marijuana treatments, acupuncture, physical therapy, massage therapy, and more. Most people who come to our clinic suffer from chronic migraines and headaches and other debilitating conditions. Our doctors are known for their expertise in pain management and we attract the most patients who need treatment for chronic pain or migraines. This kind of work requires a combination of medical therapy, physical therapy, and also psychological therapy to treat the whole person not just physical symptoms. Many of our patients suffer from depression and anxiety as a result of their chronic pain and we treat the whole person, not just the physical symptoms.  Our headache doctors are well known in the local, national and international medical community for their expertise in dealing with chronic pain. They have written books on the subject of pain management and work very closely with other doctors who specialize in this kind of therapy.

Our clinic is committed to helping patients achieve optimal health by focusing on total wellness. We offer our patients much more than just cutting-edge migraine treatment Miami. Our integrative approach to medicine takes into account all aspects of a person's life - emotional, physical, environmental, nutritional, and daily habits, etc. In addition to caring for acute injuries and illnesses, we provide care for people who suffer from headache disorders, back pain problems including disc herniations, osteoarthritis, and many other chronic conditions.

Most of the patients we see have already seen one or more "conventional" providers for their condition and had little success. They come to us because they are still in pain, frustrated with their progress (or lack thereof) want additional options as well as a second opinion on their treatment. This is not about "selling alternative care." We do highly recommend surgery for appropriate patients when it's the best option, but that's just because surgery is often the most effective therapy. Our goal is always to provide our patients with all of the best treatments available to them, whether they're conventional or otherwise.