Talk Like a Pirate Day

Avast there, mateys!

It be the 19th o' September, International Talk Like a Pirate Day! 'Tis a day when scallywags and landlubbers alike don their pirate hats and speak in the tongue o' the seven seas.
Now, I know what ye be thinkin'. "Talk like a pirate? But I be no pirate!" Arrr, but that be the beauty o' it, me hearty. On this day, we all be pirates, speakin' in the lingo o' the high seas.
So, let us raise a tankard o' grog and sing a sea shanty. Let us hoist the Jolly Roger and sail the seven seas in search o' adventure. And let us all talk like pirates, me hearty!

Arr, me hearties, here be some tips on how to speak like a pirate:

  • Use plenty o' "arrrs" and "ahoy's"
  • Replace "the" with "th'"
  • Swap "yes" and "no" with "Aye" and "Nay"
  • Add "-y" to the end o' words, like "scurvy" and "booty"
  • Use pirate slang, like "broadside," "grog," and "doubloons"

Now, me hearties, go forth and plunder the day! Talk like a pirate, shiver me timbers, and have a grand ol' time.

Aye, Cap'n, but why be we talkin' like pirates on this day?

'Tis a tale o' swashbucklin' and merriment, me hearty. In 1995, two lads named John Baur and Mark Summers be sailin' home from a Renaissance Faire. They be bored and seekin' a bit o' fun, so they started talkin' like pirates.
Their pirate banter be so infectious that they decided to make it a holiday. They sent out a message to their friends, and the next thing ye know, Talk Like a Pirate Day be born.
So, me hearties, let us hoist a pint and thank John and Mark for givin' us this grand holiday. Now, let us all talk like pirates and have a grand ol' time!

I be lookin' for a pirate name. Can ye help me?

Aye, me hearty, I can help ye find a pirate name that be fit for a scallywag like ye. Just answer these questions, and I'll give ye a pirate name that be worthy o' the seven seas:
  • What be yer favorite color?
  • What be yer favorite animal?
  • What be yer favorite weapon?
Now, take the first letter o' each answer and put them together. That be yer pirate name!
For example, if yer favorite color be red, yer favorite animal be a bear, and yer favorite weapon be a cutlass, then yer pirate name would be "Redbeard the Bear."
So, me hearty, what be yer pirate name?