Taye Currency

Ever heard of Taye currency?
Probably not.
It's a local currency that's been used in the Brixton area of London since 2009.
The idea behind Taye currency is to encourage people to shop locally and support the local economy.
When you use Taye currency, you're not just buying something, you're also investing in the community.
One Taye is worth one pound sterling, and it can be used to buy goods and services from over 60 businesses in Brixton.
These businesses include everything from cafes and restaurants to shops and hairdressers.
Using Taye currency is a great way to show your support for the local community and help to create a more sustainable local economy.
Here's how it works:
* You can buy Taye currency from a number of exchange points in Brixton.
* Once you have Taye currency, you can use it to buy goods and services from any of the participating businesses.
* When you spend Taye currency, the business will give you a discount of up to 10%.
  • For example, if you buy a cup of coffee for £2 with Taye currency, you'll only pay £1.80.

Taye currency is a great way to save money and support the local community at the same time.
So next time you're in Brixton, why not give it a try?
You might just be surprised at how much you enjoy it.

I've been using Taye currency for a few months now, and I've been really impressed with it.
I've saved a lot of money on my shopping, and I've also met some great people in the community.
I would definitely recommend Taye currency to anyone who lives or works in Brixton.
It's a great way to support the local economy and make new friends.

Here are some of the benefits of using Taye currency:
* You can save money on your shopping.
* You can support the local economy.
* You can meet new people in the community.
* You can feel good about making a difference.
So what are you waiting for? Give Taye currency a try today!