The monster should live

                 The creation of Frankenstein should be aloud to live.He has emotions and feeling just like us. Another reason is because he was just defending him self. It could also still learn right from wrong and how to do different things to benefit the village. Lets not forget that hes just a misunderstood creature that was just created out of different human body parts and a criminal brain.Now let me explain why he should live for theses three reasons.            

           The creation of Frankenstein should be aloud to live.First reason being self defense. If he wasn't attached or tortured he wouldn't have killed anyone.This is shown  when Frankenstein's assistant goes and whips and threatens the monster with a torch. Afterwards he was found hanging moments after he started torturing the monster.This never would have happened if the monster didn't feel threatened or scared.

               Another reason he should live is because hes misunderstood.He was just created out of nowhere and he doesn't know much about anything. He doesn't know right from wrong so he wont know if he should have killed those people. This is shown when the monster throws the little girl into the water and she slowly started to drown.He ran to get help but it was already to late. This shows that Frankenstein's creation didn't mean to kill the girl. From this the village decided he was a monster but he was just misunderstood.

               The most important he should be aloud to live is because he could still learn right from wrong.Even though he doesn't know much he could still learn. If the people try to help him learn right from wrong he could be a great contribution ho the little village. He also has emotions so threatening him am sending a mob after him will only make make things worst.For all of these reasons he should live. The monster might not be real but hes still living, and he deserves to be able to live his own life without the stress of his life in danger.

                In conclusion he should be should to live rather hes a real human being or not.Hes a living breathing being with emotions. his rights to live shouldn't be stripped from him. Hes just as much of a person of everyone else even if hes made from different human body parts.So let me ask you this, if you were life Frankenstein's creation would you want your life to be taken from you?