Frankenstein's creation should live

             I think he should be aloud to live.The monster killed because he was scared and he was defending himself. Its just a little misunderstood.It has human feelings so he was scared to die and scared of being tortured. If they gave him a chance he could be a great contribution to thier society in many ways.Now lets tallk about the three most inportant reasons he should be aloud to live.

                    One reason he should be aloud to live is becsouse  hes clueless.He doesn't know what hes doing or whats right and whats wrong.This is shown when  he throws a girl in the river thining he could thro any thing.After he realized what he did he went to get help but itbwas too late.He  unintentionaly killed the little girl. He didnt know that she could die if he threw her in to the water, he was just tring to live normaly and have fun.

                         Another reason he should be aloud to liive is because he was defending him self from all the ppl that were attaching and torturing him.He wouldnt have attached and killed other people if they didnt attach and torture him for no aparent reason.This is shown when the assistant of frankenstein whips and threatind him with a torch and the moster decides to hang him.All he was doing was protecting himself from the people that attached and tortured him. If he wasnt attached or tortured no one would have been killed be the so called monster.

                             Finnaly the most important reason he should be aloud to live is because he still learning about life, death and how the world works.He can be taough right from wrong if the people give him a chance and try to teach him.Since he was just made and brung to life he doesnt know much so in a way he like a new born child.If teh people of this town took time to teach him right from wring he wouldnt be a threat to anyone anymore.Not to mention hes just like any other person, he has feelings and emmotions which makse him teachable.

                                  In conclusion the moster should live cause hes like a new born who knows nothing and need s to be tought things. In a way hes a baby and the real moster are the people. They are the ones attaching a new born  creature. It deserves a chance to live a normal life. That is why i think the monster should be aloud to live a normal life just like any other human being.