
I have a teddy bear named Teddy.

I've had Teddy since I was a little girl. He's been with me through thick and thin, and he's always been there for me.
Teddy is more than just a teddy bear to me. He's my best friend.

Teddy is a very special bear. He's soft and cuddly, and he always smells like home.
I love Teddy very much, and I know he loves me too.

One day, I was playing with Teddy in the backyard when he suddenly got lost. I looked everywhere for him, but I couldn't find him. I was so upset.
I went inside and told my mom what happened. She helped me look for Teddy, but we couldn't find him anywhere.

I was so sad that I lost Teddy. I didn't know what I was going to do without him.
But then, a few days later, I was playing in the backyard again when I saw something out of the corner of my eye.
It was Teddy! He was sitting on the swing, just waiting for me.

I was so happy to see Teddy again. I hugged him tight and never let go.
I'm so glad that I found Teddy. He's my best friend, and I don't know what I would do without him.