Telegram's group video calls have been a popular feature since their introduction. However, Durov believes that there's still immense potential to push the boundaries of this technology. He envisions a future where video calls are as seamless and immersive as face-to-face interactions.
One of Durov's key goals is to remove all technical barriers that hinder effective group video communication. He plans to significantly increase the platform's bandwidth and improve video quality, ensuring crystal-clear streams even with large numbers of participants.
But Durov's vision extends beyond technical improvements. He believes that video calls should be more than just a way to communicate; they should be transformative experiences that bring people closer together. To that end, he plans to introduce innovative features such as virtual backgrounds, green screens, and interactive games.
Durov's passion for privacy is also evident in his plans for group video calls. He emphasizes that Telegram will never compromise on its users' privacy, and all video calls will be end-to-end encrypted.
Redefining Workplace Productivity"By removing the need for travel and physical presence, we can empower teams to collaborate more effectively and save valuable time," Durov explains.
To cater to business needs, Telegram is introducing a suite of premium features specifically designed for corporate use. These features include advanced video conferencing tools, screen sharing, and integration with popular productivity apps.
A New Chapter in Digital CommunicationWhether it's for personal gatherings, family reunions, or professional collaboration, Telegram's enhanced group video calls are poised to become the go-to choice for anyone seeking seamless, immersive, and privacy-focused virtual interactions.
As Durov himself says, "We believe that the future of communication is not simply about connecting people, but about creating experiences that are as close as possible to being there in person." With his latest plans, Telegram is taking a major leap towards fulfilling that vision.
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