1. Modern Day Oil & Gas Boom! In the early beginning stages of development!

2. Prior Logging Technology from the 1900’s through the 1950’s showed the sands to be wet, when in fact they have been recently discovered to have a mix of both water and Crude Oil, approximately a 50/50 mix. The wells are drilled and produced, and the water is separated and disposed of.

3. Millions of Barrels of Crude Oil has been produced from the new wells drilled over the last few years, in this new Oil & Gas Boom!

4. The average production from these Gulf Coast Region Salt Domes is approximately 100 Million BO! Flank area production is consistently higher than the rest of the dome, with a longer well production period.

5. Denver’s key leases are located at the Flank areas of the Dome! Proven locations with new primary production.

6. 3D Seismic,Neozoic Geophysical,field new well log data, structural maps, and Independent Geological Write ups, are being utilized to determine the best overall locations to drill, targeting multiple pay zones.

7. The Brookshire Dome is easily accessible, located at the I-10 Freeway, approximately 45 minutes west of Houston. Natural Gas lines are in place, and the Crude Oil is picked up throughout the day.

8. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to participate in the development of a Salt Dome and be a part of History! Spindletop is still producing at the Flank over 100 years after its discovery!