The Adventures of a Life Saver’s Life by Southbourne Surf Group

Becoming a lifesaver oftentimes regarded as a dream job. Why? It is because lifesavers get to spend hours working while enjoying the wonderful scenery brought by beaches. But being a lifesaver is not as easy and simple as everyone thinks. Their responsibility is very crucial considering that lives are involved. They have a vital task to ensure a safe and secure environment for swimmers at the beach.

Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club which operates in a club hut near Bistro on the Beach which is nestled below the slopes of Southbourne Coast Road has active and dedicated members patrolling the field on a daily basis carrying their rescue equipment such as rescue boards, surf skis, rescue tubes and first aid kits. They also have a well maintained and in top condition rescue boats situated on shore to immediately respond to incidents anytime and anywhere along the coastline.

The club largely composed of younger members who are regarded as the Beach Lifeguards of the Future. Children at the age of seven are trained under the Nippers program where they get to learn surf safety, basic lifesaving skills and surf and beach sports. Moreover, they offer a full range of Lifesaving and Life Saving Sports awards for youth members ages twelve to sixteen. And a professional Beach Lifeguarding qualifications, leadership development camps, sports coaching and instructor qualifications for ages sixteen and above.

Lifesaving is a tough job, and someone must do it. It involves intensive training and commitment for the responsibility due to the fact that life is always at stake. Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club members who volunteered for this type of work do not seek recognition and honor from anyone. Acquiring the necessary skills in order to help others and save someone’s life is rewarding enough for them to pursue the task. No wonder the club is flooded by applicants of all ages who want to join and experience the same rewarding feeling you get from helping others who are in trouble.

Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club members work willingly together for the betterment of their community. For years, they continue their effort to educate and train the public of basic skills that will be beneficial for emergency situations.