The Asquith Rise Group Review: Family-Friendly Design for Your Living Room



The staff of Asquith group suggests that you design your living room into a family-friendly motif. In case you have little ones, your furniture is somewhat vulnerable to pen marks or there’s a higher chance that its lifespan is shorter than expected. But worries aside, you shouldn’t give up on your style.

Asquith rise group provides some tips in the following for designing a living room that is both stylish and family friendly:

Work out your room’s space

Set up your space with the design you have in mind, just make sure your space suits your young ones well. You can use a bucket the can hold your children’s toys under your table and put a nice-looking laundry basket nearby so that you can easily remove and set aside your child’s shirt full of food stains. To add a nice scent to your linens, you may use a good scent beads.

Make your space beautiful

Having kids would make you think twice on which couch to buy because children can really beat up your furniture while they are playing around using their imaginative minds. A very expensive couch might not be on the list anymore, but you can still buy a quality yet affordable couch. Asquith Rise also recommends adding simple touches to your room like fresh flowers, a luxury throw for your sofa that you can hide during the day, or a candle’s fragrance oil warmer to add a warm and cozy scent to your room.

Make your room lively and bright

Some people think that having a family-friendly design means being boring, but it’s not. You can make yours different and unique. Give life to your design and play with colors, patterns, and textures. Choose pillows with different colors for your couch where you can also use them to cover up the pen marks and stains when you have important visitors coming over. You may add large artworks on your wall if you don’t want to color it.

Include your personality on your design

Don’t fully depend on magazines for the design of your room because it should be all about you and your personality. Determine what matters to you and go from there. For example, put on books on your side table that you’re actually reading on a regular basis, and if the books match the color of your room then you’re quite fortunate. Your pillows should also be the ones you like, and your rug should be a soft place where you can play with your children during the day. In the end, you should organize all of them according to your preferred style.

Putting everything in place should be easier

When your friends are coming cover and then your kids just went to bed, you’ll actually have a short time preparing your room. Have your vacuum close by and use an air refresher and fabric refresher to make the scent of your house fresh and clean. Use scent to bring it all together and your friends will never notice what your space looked or smelled like a few minutes ago.

There are different ways to keep your living room family-friendly, and mentioned above are some of the basics. Asquith Rise hopes that this article provides a bit of help to you in designing your room.