The Deep Blue Group Orchestra ChoralBlue

ChoralBlue is a unique performance opportunity we offer to local choirs of any age, culture or demographic in the towns we are performing.

ChoralBlue is a top-secret project! We’ve had a ChoralBlue at every show now on our current tour and it is a huge success. We can’t tell you much more about the project here, but if you would like to find out more email us: [email protected]

Check out some responses:

“To sing XXX with such a great group of musicians and to a full house was a HIGHLIGHT of my singing life! Thank you ALL!”– Chorister, Whyalla, 2012

“I think the Deep Blue concept is fantastic, amalgamating the community into their performance and enabling groups such as ourselves and the ‘YoungBlues’ to be part of the evening. Thank you Janette for your leadership during the process and Freddy Mercury for taking all of us to vocal ranges that we only dreamed of…… I would like to commend Deep Blue on their professionalism, warmth and making myself and all the singers very welcomed.. it was wonderful to sing with you all.”

Matt Mc, Warnambool 2012

“Thank you for the opportunity to sing with DeepBlue. The students had a magical night and are still very excited about it all this morning! Good luck with the rest of your performances” Joanne Garnett, Greenock Primary School