The Molecular Data Behind Breathing In CPR Classes Sacramento
CPR is a common first aid technique. However, what first aid personnel may not be aware of is the medical science behind breathing. CPR is the technique that is used to simulate breathing for patients who are unable to breathe themselves. On a more chemical level, personnel should also understand how breathing takes place and why it is so important in maintaining a healthy metabolism, as part of their
CPR classes Sacramento.
The breathing or respiratory system is easy to analyze and understand. People inhale air during breathing, which then enters into the lungs through the nose and mouth. This mechanical breathing action is well known, even to the layperson.
On a tissue level, staff need to know how the air is processed in the lungs. There, the oxygen in the air is absorbed by the specialized lung tissue. The oxygen then passes into the blood, where it attaches to red blood cells and is taken to the parts of the body where it is needed.
Red blood cells (scientific name: erythrocytes) include a chemical called hemoglobin. As its name suggests, hemoglobin contains iron. This iron combines with the oxygen to form oxygenated hemoglobin which then transports the oxygen in the blood through the circulatory system. The oxygen is released into the tissue that needs it when the oxide compound containing it is broken down.
Iron plays this role in the human body and is therefore an essential micronutrient in the human diet. Erythrocytes require iron in their manufacture. In the absence of iron, the transportation of oxygen in the blood is not possible and the supply of oxygen in the body is diminished. This causes bad circulation. Some people get dizzy when they stand up, or they black out. Consuming more iron may alleviate this issue.
The presence of oxygen in the blood is easy to determine and this can be done by the naked eye. Oxygenated blood, or blood which contains oxygen, will appear as red. It even appears red when seen through the skin, in the arteries. Deoxygenated blood, or blood which has had its oxygen removed, appears as blue or purple. Once again, this is visible through the skin. It is possible to determine whether someone is suffering from a shortage of oxygen based on their appearance. Their lips will turn blue or purple.
In the circulatory system, the arteries transport oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart, which in turn pumps it to the rest of the body. The oxygen in the blood is removed in the cells, where it is used, and the veins then carry the blood back to the heart. Veins cannot alter their diameter, but arteries can. This is because the latter have muscle tissue in their walls, while veins do not.
First aid staff should understand the science behind breathing so that they realize the importance of CPR in the rescue of patients who are not breathing properly or at all. They should also understand how breathing happens on a metabolic level so that they are better able to assist the patient.
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