The Secret to a Great Marriage by Meir Ezra

Why are these statements all lies?


"The honeymoon is over. We can't get the spark back in our marriage."


"When I married you, I expected you'd stay in love with me."


"This other person is my soul mate and so I've got to get a divorce."


When you meet someone and fall in love, it seems like your love will last forever. So you get married. You want a permanent feeling of love. Yet sooner or later, it happens . . . no more spark.


Maybe a marriage counselor tells you to take a weekend trip together. If you enjoy the weekend, you might feel a little spark again. But once you get back to your routine, the honeymoon is over again.


Maybe you try a drug or drink some wine to make your marriage better. If it helps, it is only temporary and then drops to new lows. Besides, who wants to depend on a chemical for a good marriage life?


All too often, husbands and wives give up. They either learn to live with a dead relationship or get divorced.


The biggest lie is that once you get married, you can sit back and enjoy it. Unfortunately, a marriage does not exist just because you have a marriage license. A family does not exist just because you have children Meir Ezra.


"It's very easy to break down a family because there is no relationship in a family except a pretended relationship."


"Now, I'm not saying that marriage is a false relationship. It isn't. In this society and time, a family is the closest knit, self-perpetuating, self-protecting unit and is necessary economically and otherwise to the society the way it's rigged at this present time."