The Solid Benefits Colloidal Silver At Home For Good Health

An organic antibiotic that is widely accepted as an effective means of dealing with most bacterial and parasitic ailments. This is the hallmark of colloidal silver. The ease by which it can be obtained only helps fuel its high demand in the market. 
Along the ages, the benefits derived from choosing this means of treatment have long been praised. Despite its popularity, its disadvantages have not been ignored. Prior to the discovery of the antibacterial soap, the focus of colloidal silver was mainly as an external applicant to treat wounds and dressings. This usage has however not changed much in its present application. 
To create the best quality colloidal silver a process known as electrolysis is performed. The resulting solution contains silver particles evenly distributed. A quick quality check for silver would therefore be one that does not require shaking prior to usage. 
The way by which it works is by restricting the flow of oxygen within the micro-organisms cell. This implies that its metabolic processes would come to an end forcing it to an early death. The bodies clean up functions then serve to remove the dead pathogenic cells thus ridding it of any potential infections. 
Scientific research indicated a steep decline in the number of bacteria, fungus and parasites after exposure for only a couple of minutes to the solution. Parasites also in their early stages of development including eggs were killed as well. Its use for stomach related issues also arise from its ability to stop fermentation of food. Gas, bloating and indigestion are just some of the problems caused by fermentation. 
Many bacterial infections grow resistant to drugs over time making it impossible to kill the same strain of bacteria with the same treatment. Colloidal silver however provided a solution such that it does not aim to eradicate specific infections in the body. This is possible since it generally works against the normal functions of the cell giving it the ability to kill the same bacteria over and over again. 
The most common means of usage include ingestion by mixing three to four drops into a large glass of water (Although usage depends on the individual means of maximizing its efficacy). Gargling also helps treat most throat problems. Patients of conjunctivitis have also been seen to directly drop it in their eyes several times a day. 
As overwhelming as the potential benefits of this remedy are, it does come with its side effects. Argyria is a condition that causes the skin and eyes to permanently become gray. Another commonly observed side effect is the blue blood condition. This arises due to the consumption of too much silver where the skin turns to a pale blue color. 
Its major weakness also lies in its ability to to destroy all types of bacteria. This would imply ingestion would also kill beneficial bacteria living in the body. These bacteria are usually responsible for regulating some of the bodily functions.
Gold2Live sells pure antioxidant and pure colloidal silver products online. To see all the good things we have to offer, visit us on the Web today at