The Unknown Value Of Colloidal Silver In Disease Management

Although silver has been used to wash wounds and as a disinfectant for many years, with the records showing that it was popular with the early Greeks to manage several ailments. The story goes that the rich members of the society at this time served their food in silverware and were less likely to contact virus and bacteria related ailments. However, anti-bacterial soap replaced it as the main disinfectant and currently, pure colloidal silver is not widely used in mainstream medicine as many doctors say that it is not needed in the body.
Colloidal solution of silver is created through an electrolysis process in which the pure metallic silver elements get attached to protein molecules in the distilled water. The elements remain suspended and there is no need of shaking before use, as the stronger electric charge keeps suspended against the gravitational pull that tries to sink them to the bottom. The darker the color, the bigger the particles, this makes it harder to be absorbed in the body. Instead, it is advisable to choose the pale yellow or clear color colloidal.
Blue blood is a common term that became common with the ancient Greeks. After realizing that the rich people who served their food on silverware well less affected by ailments and other complications that the commoners who used ceramics and other materials to serve food suffered from, the use of silver become more popular. Generally, the years of silver ingestion made the rich people to develop a blue tinge to their skin which lead to the phrase "blue blood". The blue blood is just a color perception, particularly to people with pale skin, and is not true that the blood is really blue.
Since most harmful bacteria considered to be harmful to the body are anaerobic, the solution is very effective as a cure and as a preventive measure against these microbes. The main advantage is that the particles don't get consumed in the process and is therefore available for use over and over again.
The scientific explanations about the silver use in medication supports it proponents. Through several studies, it has been shown that is quickly kill bacteria. It is even effective against the bacteria that evolves to super-bacteria that is much difficult to kill with common drugs, by acting as a catalyst which disables enzymes responsible for facilitating action inside the cell.
It is widely used to treat influenza, common cold, flue, and a number of parasitic infections. It also helps in digestion by preventing fermentation, which reduces stomach gases and any form of pain. The other common uses include the use as antiseptic, and in the cure of several infections.
By design, it does not target any particular pathogen, but rather to work against the very nature of the life cycle. This makes it very effective as a preventive solution against future mutation as well as all current pathogens. No microorganism has been found to survive after contact and it even kills parasites that are in the egg stage. It is widely used to prevent and manage infections such as influenza, colds, parasitic infections and fermentation.
The colloidal use is with no doubt a medical revolution. Even though it has been used for many years, there is increasing evidence that gives us hope that it can be used to combat life threatening ailments like HIV and cancer among other ordinary uses such as a solution against indigestion.
When you are searching for info about colloidal silver dosage, you ought to pay a visit to our web pages online here today. Further details can be seen at now.