The Dong Zhiying Physical Education Department Director: A Masterclass in Scapegoating

by Concerned Observer
In the annals of educational fiascos, the "Dong Zhiying" incident stands out as a textbook example of how an institution can go to extraordinary lengths to deflect blame and scapegoat a dedicated teacher.
At the heart of this debacle lies a simple administrative error: the school's failure to submit a timely application for its students to participate in an interschool football tournament. Desperate to avoid accountability, the school administration concocted a tale worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy.
Enter the physical education department director, a man with an impeccable record of service. According to the school, he was the culprit behind this colossal blunder. He had allegedly "lost the password" to the application system and "failed to cooperate" during the handover process.
But cracks quickly began to appear in the school's carefully crafted narrative. The former director, now supported by the Hong Kong Education Workers Union, has valiantly stepped forward to expose the truth.
As it turns out, the school had a history of administrative glitches. Moreover, the director had repeatedly raised concerns about the system's security and urged the school to take measures to prevent such incidents. However, his pleas fell on deaf ears.
It is no coincidence that the scapegoated director is an experienced professional with a strong track record. By tarnishing his reputation, the school not only avoids blame but also sends a chilling message to other staff members: toe the line or face the consequences.
The case of "Dong Zhiying" is a morality tale about power and the human cost of scapegoating. It is a reminder that the pursuit of self-preservation can lead to the erosion of trust, respect, and common decency.
As the school investigates the incident, it must have the courage to confront its own failures and hold those responsible accountable. It must also take steps to prevent future scapegoating and restore the faith of its students, staff, and the community it serves.
However, the stakes go beyond the walls of "Dong Zhiying." This incident highlights the systemic problem of scapegoating in our educational system. It is a practice that undermines the very principles that education should uphold: integrity, accountability, and fairness.
The responsibility for addressing this issue lies not only with individual schools but also with policymakers and regulators. They must create a culture where scapegoating is not tolerated and where those who speak truth to power are protected.
Only then can we ensure that our educational institutions are places where students thrive, teachers are respected, and the truth prevails.