The double

I've been living with this thing for a long time now - I call it my double. It started out small, just a flicker in the corner of my eye. But over time, it's grown stronger, more insistent. Now, it's a constant presence in my life, always lurking in the shadows, always watching.
At first, I was terrified. I didn't know what it was, or why it was following me. I tried to ignore it, to pretend that it wasn't there. But it was no use. It was always there, just out of sight.

Then, I started to get angry. Why was this thing following me? What did it want from me? I tried to confront it, to demand answers. But it just laughed at me, a cold, mocking laugh.
Now, I've come to accept it, but not without a fight. I've learned to live with it, to even embrace it. It's a part of me now, whether I like it or not.

My double is a lot of things. It's my shadow, my conscience, my id. It's the part of me that I don't want to face, the part of me that I'm afraid of. But it's also the part of me that I need, the part of me that keeps me grounded.
I don't know where my double came from, or why it chose me. But I'm grateful for it. It's taught me a lot about myself, and it's helped me to become a stronger person.
I know that my double will always be with me, and I'm okay with that. It's a part of me now, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
In fact, I've come to realize that my double is a gift. It's a reminder that I'm not alone, that there's always someone there for me, even when I can't see or hear them.
So, if you ever see your double, don't be afraid. Embrace it. It's a part of you, and it's here to stay.