The Full Moon of October 2024

A celestial event not to be missed
The month of October 2024 will bring with it a celestial event not to be missed: the full moon. This full moon, which will occur on October 17th, will be a special one indeed. Not only will it be the largest full moon of the year, but it will also be a supermoon, meaning that it will appear larger and brighter than usual.
This full moon is also known as the Hunter's Moon, a name given to it by Native American tribes. This is because October is typically the time of year when hunters would prepare for the long winter ahead, and the full moon would provide them with light to hunt by.
The Hunter's Moon is a time of great energy and power. It is a time to reflect on the past year and to set intentions for the year to come. It is also a time to celebrate the harvest and to give thanks for the abundance in our lives.
If you are lucky enough to be able to see the Hunter's Moon, take some time to appreciate its beauty and its power. It is a truly magical sight that will stay with you long after it has passed.
Here are some tips for viewing the Hunter's Moon:
  • Find a place with a clear view of the sky.
  • Bring a blanket or chair to sit on.
  • Be patient. It may take a few minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness.
  • Enjoy the view!