The Girl With The Red Hair

I’ve always been a bit of a loner. I’m not shy or anything, I just prefer my own company. I’ve never really felt like I fit in anywhere, so I’ve always been content to be on my own.

But then I met Saoirse McHugh. Saoirse was different from anyone I’d ever met before. She was funny, intelligent, and kind. She always made me laugh, and she was always there for me when I needed her.

We quickly became best friends, and I started to come out of my shell. I started to make more friends, and I started to feel like I finally belonged somewhere.

One day, Saoirse told me that she had a secret. She said that she was a witch. I didn’t believe her at first, but then she showed me some of her magic. She could make things move with her mind, and she could even make herself invisible.

I was amazed. I had never met anyone like Saoirse before. She was the most amazing person I knew.

We started to spend more and more time together, and I started to learn more about her magic. She taught me how to cast spells, and how to make potions.

One day, we were playing in the woods when we came across a group of bullies. They were picking on a smaller kid, and Saoirse couldn’t stand to see it.

She stepped forward and cast a spell on the bullies. They were immediately frozen in place, and they couldn’t move a muscle.

The smaller kid was so grateful to Saoirse, and he ran off to tell his parents what had happened.

Saoirse and I continued to spend more and more time together, and our friendship grew stronger and stronger.

One day, Saoirse told me that she was going to leave. She said that she had to go back to her own world, and that she would never see me again.

I was heartbroken. I didn’t want to lose my best friend.

But Saoirse told me that I would be okay. She said that she would always be with me, even if I couldn’t see her.

So, I said goodbye to my best friend. And even though I knew I would never see her again, I knew that she would always be in my heart.