The guardian

One night, I couldn't sleep. I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, and my mind was racing. I kept thinking about all the things that could go wrong in the world. I worried about my family, my friends, and my country. I worried about the environment, and I worried about the future.
I felt like I had a guardian angel watching over me. I didn't know who it was or where it came from, but I felt its presence. It was like a warm blanket wrapped around me, protecting me from the cold and the darkness.
I closed my eyes and tried to imagine my guardian angel. I saw a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair and wings as white as snow. She was standing in front of me, smiling down at me. She reached out her hand and touched my forehead.
I felt a surge of peace and love wash over me. All my worries and fears melted away. I knew that I was safe. I was loved.
I opened my eyes and smiled. I knew that I would never be alone. I had a guardian angel who would always be there for me.
I drifted off to sleep, and I dreamed of my guardian angel. I dreamed that we were flying together through the clouds. We soared over mountains and valleys, and we saw the world from above.
It was a beautiful dream. When I woke up, I felt like a new person. I was filled with hope and optimism. I knew that I could face anything the world threw my way because I had my guardian angel to protect me.
I still don't know who my guardian angel is, but I'm grateful for its presence in my life. I know that I am never alone, and that I am always loved.

I encourage you to reflect on your own experiences and consider the possibility that you may have a guardian angel watching over you. It may be a loved one who has passed away, or it may be a higher power. Whoever or whatever it is, I believe that we all have someone or something looking out for us.

So next time you're feeling scared or alone, take a deep breath and remember that you are not alone. You have a guardian angel who is always there for you.