The Italian Judge Who Dared to Speak Truth to Power

Piercamillo Davigo

Piercamillo Davigo, the former president of Italy's Supreme Court, is a man of immense integrity and courage. Known for his unwavering commitment to justice and his outspoken criticism of corruption, Davigo has become a symbol of hope in a country often plagued by political scandals.

Early Life and Career

Born in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano in 1950, Davigo studied law at the prestigious University of Milan. After graduating, he began his legal career as a prosecutor in Milan, where he quickly gained a reputation for his incisive legal mind and his fearless pursuit of justice.

Rise to Prominence

In 2006, Davigo was appointed to the Supreme Court, where he served as president from 2017 to 2022. During his tenure, he presided over some of Italy's most high-profile cases, including the trial of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Speaking for Justice

Davigo has never shied away from speaking out against injustice and corruption. In 2019, he delivered a scathing speech at the inauguration of the judicial year, in which he denounced the "atmosphere of indifference" towards corruption in Italy. He also criticized the practice of "separating the crimes from the criminals," arguing that the country needed to focus on holding individuals accountable for their actions.

Controversial Figure

Davigo's outspokenness has earned him both admiration and controversy. He has been accused of being too political and of overstepping the boundaries of his role as a judge. However, his supporters argue that he is simply fulfilling his duty to speak truth to power and to defend the rule of law.

The Future of Justice in Italy

As Davigo steps down from his role as president of the Supreme Court, the future of justice in Italy remains uncertain. However, his legacy as a fearless fighter for justice will continue to inspire generations to come. He has shown that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to stand up for what is right and to make a real difference in the world.