In a cozy little town nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Miriana Bai. Miriana had a heart filled with wonder and a mind that raced with curiosity. Every night, as the stars twinkled above, she would drift into a world of enchantment.
One moonlit evening, as Miriana lay in her bed, a soft glow filled the room. She opened her eyes wide, and there, standing by her bedside, was a tiny, silver-winged fairy named Lily.
"Hello, Miriana Bai," Lily said in a soft voice. "I am here to take you on a magical journey."Miriana's eyes sparkled with excitement. She took Lily's hand and together they floated out of the window.
They soared through the night sky, past sleeping houses and whispering trees. Below them, the town looked like a tiny village, with its lights twinkling like a thousand stars.
"Where are we going, Lily?" Miriana asked.As they approached the Land of Dreams, Miriana could see a vast and vibrant meadow, filled with all sorts of wonderful things.
Miriana and Lily landed in the meadow, and Miriana's eyes grew wide with wonder. She ran and played with the fantastical creatures, her laughter filling the air like music.
As the sun began to set, it was time for Miriana to return home. She thanked Lily for the wonderful journey and promised to never forget the Land of Dreams.
Lily escorted Miriana back to her bed, and as she closed her eyes, she could still see the magical meadow and hear the sound of her laughter.
From that day forward, Miriana Bai carried the magic of the Land of Dreams in her heart. She knew that no matter how ordinary life may seem, there was always a realm of wonder and enchantment just waiting to be discovered.
So, my dear little dreamers, remember the words of Miriana Bai: