The One Thing That Paul Hollywood Always Gets Wrong

I'm a huge fan of The Great British Bake Off, and I always look forward to Paul Hollywood's technical challenges. But there's one thing that he always gets wrong: the measurements.

I'm not talking about major mistakes, like using cups instead of grams. I'm talking about small, but significant, errors that can make a big difference in the final product.

For example, in a recent episode, Paul asked the bakers to make a batch of croissants. He told them to use 500g of strong white bread flour, but the recipe actually called for 450g.

This may not seem like a big deal, but it is. Croissants are a very delicate pastry, and the amount of flour used can affect the final texture and flavor.

I've made this mistake myself, and I can tell you that it's not a good one. The croissants turned out tough and chewy, and they didn't have the light, flaky texture that they're supposed to.

I know that Paul Hollywood is a professional baker, and I'm sure that he knows what he's doing. But I can't help but wonder why he keeps making this mistake.

Maybe he's just being careless. Or maybe he's trying to make the challenges more difficult for the bakers.

Whatever the reason, I hope that Paul will start paying more attention to the measurements in his technical challenges. It would make a big difference in the quality of the bakes, and it would help the bakers to succeed.