The Shameful Plastic Bag and the Unshameful Don Don Donki

I never thought I'd use the word "unshameful" to describe a massive retail chain, but here I am, typing it out with a smile on my face. Don Don Donki, the Japanese discount store, has decided to stop selling plastic bags at its 16 outlets in Singapore from Oct 1, 2024. As someone who has personally witnessed the rampant use of plastic bags in our society, I couldn't be prouder of this decision.
Let's be real, plastic bags are the epitome of convenience and environmental destruction. They're designed to be used once and then discarded, and they take hundreds of years to decompose. According to the National Environment Agency, Singaporeans use about 1.3 billion plastic bags each year. That's a lot of plastic waste that ends up in our landfills, oceans, and even our stomachs (via the food chain).
For far too long, we've gotten away with using plastic bags without a second thought. We've become accustomed to the ease and convenience they offer, and we've ignored the devastating consequences they have on our planet. But the tide is finally turning, and Don Don Donki is leading the charge in Singapore.
I know what you're thinking: "But what about my groceries? How am I supposed to carry them home?" Well, Don Don Donki has a solution for that too. They're encouraging customers to bring their own reusable bags or purchase eco-friendly bags from the store. I've been using reusable bags for years, and I can tell you that they're just as convenient as plastic bags. They're also much more durable, so you can use them over and over again.
I applaud Don Don Donki for taking a stand against plastic waste. They're showing that it's possible to run a successful business while also being environmentally responsible. I urge other businesses in Singapore and around the world to follow their lead. Together, we can create a future where plastic bags are a thing of the past.
In the meantime, I encourage you to make a small change in your own life and start using reusable bags. It's a simple gesture, but it can make a big difference. Every plastic bag that we avoid using is one less piece of plastic that ends up in our environment. Let's all do our part to create a more sustainable future.