The White Lotus is a satirical comedy-drama television series created by Mike White for HBO. The series follows the guests and employees of the fictional resort chain White Lotus, whose stay is often affected by their various psychosocial problems.
I found The White Lotus to be a very clever and funny show. The characters are well-developed and the writing is sharp. I highly recommend it.The first season of The White Lotus is set in Hawaii and follows the guests and employees of the White Lotus resort over the course of a week. The season explores the dark side of wealth and privilege, as the guests indulge in excess and the employees struggle to maintain their composure. The season ends with a shocking twist that leaves the viewer wondering what will happen next.
The second season of The White Lotus is set in Sicily and follows the guests and employees of the White Lotus resort over the course of a week. The season explores the themes of sex, power, and relationships. The season ends with another shocking twist that leaves the viewer wondering what will happen next.
The White Lotus is a smart and funny show that offers a unique perspective on the lives of the rich and privileged. The series is well-written and the characters are well-developed. I highly recommend it.