Cat: The Final Chapter

After inspecting the pocket clock, Cat discovered that, on the back of the watch, there was a small message, simply saying:


102 Socabaya Street

La Paz



Cat immediatelly booked a flight to Bolivia and went straight onto the address, and inside the building she discovered this picture:


She knew that she recognised that house somewhere, and then she reminded where: that was her late grandmother's house. She went there once or twice, but that was a long time ago. When she got to the house, she saw the door was opened and she went in and discovered the muddy footsteps of a cat that led to the attic. Once in the attic, Cat inspected the room and saw a strange box shaking. She went, more curious than scared, and inside the box discovered the cat that was on her house a few days ago. She was going to pick him up, but the cat jumped against an old wardrobe and transformed into a blue alien. Cat was afraid, but the alien told her to calm down and gave her a letter