The Peterson Group Taiwan Review: The Real Nature of TPG

Writing numerous blogs under their name, The Peterson Group has been operating for years on the fundamentals of mobile wholesaling as well as to almost everything about mobile accessories and other gadgets. Reviews have also been written on their existence in response to a lot of complaints to their products. They have been called fraudsters, scammers and fakes. Nevertheless, there are still others who claim to get the best service from them.


The Peterson Group, as many are already aware, is a Taiwanese company which distributes mobile accessories and laptop peripherals in Asian countries. They claim to be able to supply anywhere in continent but as far as the reports show, their main clients are located in Singapore, Hanoi, Vietnam, Southern China. They may have already been able to penetrate Jakarta, Indonesia and the lesser part of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Certain accounts state that the company’s main office is a 5-minute travel from their port in Kaohsiung.  


As for their products, they are said to be one of the largest start-up in the Taiwan. They deliver thousands of boxes of accessories from port to port every day and the ETA may range from 2 – 3 days. So far, it all seemed legit.


Then we visit their site. Fair enough, it is up to date and seemed to know the rules of website nowadays. Mobile responsive and with enough content which can tell you who they really are. Their claims seemed to align with the other statements they have created. The only problem, in their About Us Page, no mention or picture of their founder and team were even shown.


Going through the Contact Us form, the issues continue to accumulate. Firstly, once you submit a form, it would take time to receive a reply, if you ever get one at all. Next, once their sales representative calls, it would either be in the middle of the night. Callback can be impossible as well as you are always routed back to voice mail. When you can finally talk to one, it would really take time and countless effort.


We’ve reached their products and services’ quality. They may be working with legitimate manufacturers but they also admit to being a part of the gray market community. They are polite enough to admit as well that they do not ensure their product specifications’ full credibility.


Overall, it is still up to the client’s discretion to believe the reviews or not.