They Are Out to Get You: The Conspiracy that Could Change Everything!!!

The election is rigged!

That's what they've been saying for years now, and it's getting harder and harder to ignore. The evidence is piling up, and it's starting to look like the conspiracy theorists might be right.

The media is biased.

They're all in on it, they say. They're out to get Trump, and they'll stop at nothing to make sure he doesn't win the election.

Voter fraud is rampant.

They're stealing votes left and right, they say. They're busing in illegals to vote multiple times, and they're stuffing ballot boxes.

The machines are rigged.

They're programmed to switch votes, they say. They're owned by George Soros, and he's out to destroy America.

It's all part of a plot to take over the world.

They're coming for your guns, your freedom of speech, your way of life. They want to turn America into a socialist paradise, and they'll stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

So what can you do?

You can't let them win. You need to vote

You need to vote like your life depends on it.

Because it does.

The future of America is at stake.

Don't let them take it away.

Vote for Trump!

He's the only one who can save us.

He's the only one who can stop them.
He's the only one who can make America great again.
So vote for Trump!

Vote for the future of America!

Vote for your life!
Vote today!
The election is rigged!