Thika Road Floods: A Nightmare for Commuters

Oh, the misery of Thika Road floods! It's the stuff that makes commuters weep and gnash their teeth. Anyone who has had the unfortunate experience of navigating this flooded nightmare knows it's no laughing matter.

Picture this: It's a rainy day in Nairobi, and you're stuck in your car on Thika Road. The rain is coming down in sheets, and the water is rising fast. Soon, the road is completely submerged, and your car is floating like a boat. You're trapped, with nowhere to go, and the water is rising higher and higher.

The floodwaters can be treacherous, and they've been known to carry away cars and even buses. There have been cases of people drowning in these floods, so it's important to take them seriously. If you see a flooded road, turn around and find another route.

But what if you don't have another route? Well, then you're in for a long wait. The floods can take hours or even days to recede, and in the meantime, you're going to be stuck in your car, with nowhere to go.

There are a few things you can do to pass the time. You can listen to the radio, read a book, or catch up on your sleep. But whatever you do, don't try to drive through the floodwaters. It's not worth the risk.

The floods on Thika Road are a major problem, and it's one that needs to be addressed by the relevant authorities. In the meantime, commuters need to be aware of the dangers and take precautions when driving in this area during rainy weather.

  • Be aware of the flood risk. Check the weather forecast before you leave home, and if there's a chance of flooding, be prepared to take an alternative route.
  • Don't drive through flooded areas. If you see a flooded road, turn around and find another route. It's not worth the risk.
  • If you're caught in a flood, stay calm and call for help. Don't try to drive through the floodwaters. It's not worth the risk.

By following these tips, you can help to stay safe during the next flood on Thika Road.


The floods on Thika Road are a serious problem, but they also provide a unique opportunity for reflection. They remind us of the importance of being prepared for the unexpected, and they teach us to be patient and resilient in the face of adversity.

The next time you're stuck in a flood on Thika Road, take a deep breath and remember that you're not alone. There are thousands of other commuters who are going through the same thing. And together, we'll get through this.