Things To Keep In Mind When Performing A Bicycle Tune Up

Before one thinks about taking their bike on the road, they must ensure that it is in a good condition. Roads can be a dangerous place especially with a bike that is not one hundred percent in its perfect condition. Most of the checks needed to ensure good form are easy and can be administered without having to visit a bike shop. However, if one does not have the time, they can visit bike shop to have a good bicycle tune up.
The first step in the tuning process is doing a thorough cleaning of the bike. Cleanliness extends the durability of all components of the bike. One should use a suitable biodegradable cleaner, a brush, and a towel to clean all parts including chain rings, cassette, pedals, seat, brakes, chain, frames, and mudguards among others. Some parts may need to be disconnected and greased during the process.
The second step should involve doing an inspection of the brake system. Properly functional brake systems increase safety. One should check the condition of the brake pads whether they are too worn out or unevenly wearing off. If any damage is observed on them, it is best to have them replaced. Squeezing the brake levers should cause the brake pads to hit the rims simultaneously and cause the rims to stop rotating instantly.
The next step one should do is to check the wheels. As one rides, it is the wheels that offer smoothness and stability. They must be cleaned using a piece of cloth and rubbing alcohol. Rims must be checked for scrapes, dents, and nicks among other damages. Uneven wearing of brake pads and flat tires can be caused by damaged rims. The wheels should not wobble when they are rotated.
The next item one should inspect is the drivetrain. Chains, chain rings, rear wheel cassettes, derailleurs, and pedals are the main components that make up the drivetrain. The power the rider generates is transferred to the rear wheel by the drivetrain. This allows the drivetrain to determine how smooth a ride can be. All the components of drivetrain should be inspected and where necessary replaced. The chain and chain ring should then be greased well to minimize friction.
The tires are to be tuned up next. One should inspect them for tears, splits, and cracks along the sides. The condition of the threads should be ensured and if misaligned brake pads caused any damages, then they must be replaced. It is the friction that threads generate that allows bicycles to move on various kinds of grounds. Most of them are inexpensive and do not need a lot of expertise to be replaced.
Suitable lubricant should then be used to lubricate all components sufficiently. A properly greased drivetrain eliminates friction and makes the ride smooth. Properly lubricated components also have longer life cycle.
Finally, one should do a pre-ride test. The test is for checking if there are any parts are loose or not in good working condition. Once all that is done, one can hit the road for a safe ride.
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