This Errando Hochwimmer Story Will Make You Throw Your Laptop In Frustration!

A Tale of Woe
Errando Hochwimmer was a kind and gentle soul, but he was also the most unlucky person you could ever meet. Everything that could go wrong for Errando would go wrong, and it always seemed to happen at the worst possible time.
One day, Errando was walking home from work when he tripped on a loose brick and fell into a puddle of mud. As he was getting up, he slipped and fell again, this time into a pile of trash. Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, he looked up and saw that his car had been towed!
Errando was so frustrated that he wanted to scream. He had had enough of being the unluckiest person in the world. He decided to go home and take a nap, hoping that when he woke up, all of his bad luck would be gone.
The Dream
But when Errando fell asleep, he had a strange dream. He dreamt that he was standing in a field of flowers, and in the middle of the field was a tall, beautiful woman. The woman was dressed in white, and she had long, flowing hair.
"Hello, Errando," the woman said. "I am your guardian angel."
"My guardian angel?" Errando asked. "But why?"
"Because you are the kindest and most gentle person I have ever met," the woman said. "And because you have had such a hard life."
"But why do I have to be so unlucky?" Errando asked.
"Because you are being tested," the woman said. "You are being tested to see if you can still be kind and gentle even when things are going wrong."
"But it's not fair!" Errando said. "I don't deserve this."
"Yes, you do," the woman said. "You deserve this because you are a good person. And you will pass this test, Errando. I know you will."
The Wake-Up
Errando woke up from his dream feeling refreshed and renewed. He knew that the woman in his dream was right. He was being tested, and he was going to pass that test.
Errando got out of bed and went to the window. He looked out at the world, and for the first time in his life, he saw it with new eyes. He saw the beauty in the world, and he saw the good in people.
Errando smiled. He knew that he was going to be okay. He was going to be the luckiest person in the world, because he was going to be happy.
The Happy Ending
And so, Errando Hochwimmer lived happily ever after. He never forgot the dream he had, and he never forgot the lesson he learned. He always tried to be kind and gentle, even when things were going wrong. And because of that, he was always happy.