This One Crazy Trick Will Make Markiece Henao Forget You Ever Existed!

Do you have a Markiece Henao in your life that just won't let you go? Maybe you had a falling out, or maybe you just need some space, but Markiece Henao is hot on your heels like a bad case of poison ivy.

Well, I have a solution for you! This one crazy trick will make Markiece Henao forget you ever existed. Are you ready? Here it is:

Step 1: Find a way to make Markiece Henao really, really angry.

Step 2: Run away and never look back.

It's that simple! Markiece Henao will be so mad that he'll block you from everything, and he'll be so confused that he'll eventually forget who you are. Problem solved!

Of course, this is just a joke. I don't actually recommend trying this in real life. Markiece Henao is a great guy, and you shouldn't do anything to hurt him.

But if you're looking for a way to get rid of a Markiece Henao in your life, this is the perfect solution.

In all seriousness, there are a few things you can do to make Markiece Henao leave you alone.

  • Talk to him directly. Tell him how you're feeling and ask him to respect your wishes. Be polite and respectful, even if he's not being the same to you.
  • Block him on social media and phone. This will make it harder for him to contact you and easier for you to ignore him.
  • Change your routine. If Markiece Henao knows where you are and when you'll be there, he'll be more likely to show up. Change your routine so he doesn't know where you are or when you'll be there.
  • Get a restraining order. This is a last resort, but it may be necessary if Markiece Henao is becoming a danger to you.

Remember, you have the right to be safe and happy. If Markiece Henao is making you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, don't hesitate to take action to protect yourself.