stratagy tips and tricks to come out on top in the winners platform

first day on wish me luck out thare fellow comanders log day 1 today i found a asome stratagy game calld command and conqer genreles a game in the franchises that set in present day cant get cant get off the game so so so good


ok first is a simple yet efective manuver a flank it works well in team fights say there is a huge killebl force incomeing get ether you or your partner/partners to have a large number of forces then attack the incomeing force while the enamy/enamys are fighting off that large force thay are being weekend financly and mentily so there more focusd on your or your allys units you or your ally is takeing a small group of units but stelthy like sabatures or stelth tanks what ever floots your boat any who yours will be sneeking around there force and in to the base the tke out the hq and builders if you do this right thay lose what ever thay do at hat point will only prolong there dimise .