ENGL 2130 - Project 1


A Letter to Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,

Thank you for your supporting me all of those years. You have been here for us anytime that we want you. You are always here for us to sit on, stand on, and lie on. You never let us fall even though we make our decisions without caring about you sometimes. We appreciate everything you have been given us, provide us through our lives.

Thank you for the fresh air, plants, animals, food, water, and the natural phenomena that you created. Thank you for the fire to keep us warm. Thanks for the sunshine to help us see things around better. Thanks for the sun rise and sun set, the beautiful colors of the rainbow, even the thunderstorm sounds, and the four different seasons, which can help us to feel the movements of the earth, change of nature, and change the time in everyday life.

We smile when we see you, and we love you so much. Anytime we see your beauty, we are all overwhelmed and immersed in that beauty. We know that you do not really need us, but we need you in every single movement. We know that we cannot live without you. We need you to make our lives move on, to live, and to be alive, and our futures depend on you. Thank you for being here with us, for all of those good things that you give us.

In addition, we want to say sorry to you too. We know that we own everything from you, but we are not really doing anything back to you yet. We are not there when you need us. We have only received everything from you, and have never thought of responding to what you have done to us. As a mother, I know you will use all the love for your children without thinking of receiving, but our carelessness makes you feel hurt.

We are sorry about the bad things we have done to you. We are so selfish because we ignore you sometimes. We do not want to look at you sometimes, but it is not because we do not want to care about you. It is because we are not confident enough to face what we have been doing to you. We did them without care for your feelings, and without thinking for the younger generation in the future.

You give us many good things, but we have devastated them. You give us trees to make our air fresh, but we cut them to build more new construction. You give us animals, but we killed them to get our benefits with unnecessary things such as leather bags, and fur coats. You give us the beautiful oceans with diverse marine life, but we have commissioned it with garbage. We did many bad things, and we trampled on your kindness. We mess up everything you give us.

We talked more than we took actions, and more than taking our responsibility to the natural world around us. We have thought that what you do is obvious, is the responsibility that you have to do, but we did not know how much you love us when you do those things. You ignore the evil we have done, show us your love and your altruism, and your forgiveness for us. It hurts us when we look back or when we get older and start to understand you better.

We know that you are tired, and you are getting older because of what we have done to you for a long time. But please give us time to change, and to learn how to take better care of you. We will learn how to be gentle, and open to hear your messages. We will be closer to each other, more mindful, careful, and respectful. Thank you for waking us up now before it is too late.


Thuy Dong