Tiaraoluwa Back: The Woman Who Laughed at Disaster

Tiaraoluwa Back was having a bad day.
It all started when she spilled coffee on her new blouse. Then, she lost her keys and had to be late for work. And to top it all off, she got a flat tire on the way to the office.
Tiaraoluwa Back was about to give up and go home when she saw a little girl sitting on the side of the road. The girl was crying and Tiaraoluwa Back asked her what was wrong.
The girl said she had lost her dog. Tiaraoluwa Back helped the girl look for her dog and they eventually found it. The girl laughed and then she laughed some more.
Tiaraoluwa Back started to laugh too. She realized that no matter how bad her day was, it could always be worse. She could have lost her job, her home, or even her life.
Tiaraoluwa Back laughed all the way to work. She was late, but she didn't care. She was too busy laughing and realizing how lucky she was.
When she got to work, her boss asked her what was so funny. Tiaraoluwa Back told her boss about the little girl and the dog. Her boss laughed too.
Tiaraoluwa Back and her boss laughed for a long time. They laughed until they cried. They laughed until they couldn't laugh anymore.
When they finally stopped laughing, Tiaraoluwa Back realized that she had learned a valuable lesson. She had learned that it's important to laugh at yourself, even when things are tough.
Tiaraoluwa Back also realized that it's important to help others, even when you're having a bad day. Helping others can make you feel better about yourself and it can make the world a better place.
Tiaraoluwa Back is still having bad days, but she doesn't let them get her down. She laughs at herself and she helps others. And that's what makes Tiaraoluwa Back a truly remarkable person.
A few things that Tiaraoluwa Back has learned from her experience:
  • It's important to laugh at yourself, even when things are tough.
  • Helping others can make you feel better about yourself and it can make the world a better place.
  • Even when you're having a bad day, there's always something to be grateful for.
  • Laughter is the best medicine.
  • Tiaraoluwa Back is a truly remarkable person.
Call to action:
What are you waiting for? Go out and make someone laugh today!