Timira Periñan and the Magical Unicorn
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, lived a young girl named Timira Periñan. Timira was a kind and curious girl who loved to explore the forest near her home. One day, as she was exploring, she stumbled upon a beautiful white unicorn. The unicorn was so majestic, with its long flowing mane and tail, and its horn that shimmered like a thousand stars.
Timira was amazed by the unicorn and couldn't resist petting it. As she did, she felt a surge of warmth and happiness flow through her. The unicorn nuzzled her gently and then knelt down, as if inviting her to ride. Timira climbed onto the unicorn's back and they galloped away through the forest.
As they rode, the unicorn told Timira about its home in the land of Evermore. Evermore was a magical place, where the sun always shone and the flowers were always in bloom. Timira was so fascinated by the unicorn's stories that she begged it to take her to Evermore.
The unicorn agreed and galloped even faster. Soon, they arrived at the border of Evermore. The unicorn told Timira that she could stay in Evermore for as long as she wanted, but that she must never return to her own world. Timira was torn. She loved her home and her family, but she also longed to stay in Evermore with the unicorn.
In the end, Timira decided to stay in Evermore. She knew that she would miss her family, but she also knew that she would never forget them. The unicorn galloped away and Timira turned to watch it go. As she watched, she felt a strange sense of peace and contentment. She knew that she had made the right decision.
Timira lived happily in Evermore for many years. She made many friends and had many adventures. But she never forgot her family and her home. And every night, she would look up at the stars and wonder what they were doing.
One day, Timira was exploring the forest when she came across a group of children. The children were lost and scared. Timira helped them find their way back home and they thanked her profusely. As they walked away, one of the children turned to Timira and said, "You're just like the girl in the story."
Timira was confused. "What story?" she asked.
The child smiled. "The story of the girl who stayed in Evermore."
Timira was amazed. She had never told anyone about her time in Evermore. But somehow, the children knew her story.
Timira smiled back at the child. "Yes," she said. "I'm the girl who stayed in Evermore."
And as the children walked away, Timira knew that she would never be truly alone. For she had friends in both worlds, and her story would be told for generations to come.