Tips for Saving Money With Health Care

HARRISONBURG, Va. (WHSV) -- Medical bills can creep up quickly for those w­ith and without insurance.

For Kristen Drake every dollar counts. "We spend money as wisely as possible but we are still cutting it pretty close," said Drake.

So close, that none of her bills are for health insurance.

"I try to eat healthy and take good care of myself, but otherwise I just try to hope I don't get sick. I don't go to the doctor," said Drake.

Harrisonburg Ob/gyn Associates office manager Windy Lamoreaux gives a 20 percent discount to those uninsured or paying cash.

"Even with a 20 percent discount, I am sure it would be too expensive," said Drake.

Harrisonburg Ob/gyn Associates also has the option of a payment plan.

"It could be a three month payment plan, it could be a 12-month payment plan, it could be until that bill is paid in full," said Lamoreaux.

She said if cost is an issue, at her office, you can refuse to get some lab work that the doctor recommends.

"We are trying to help you do what you are willing to do, we are not going to force you anything you can't afford," said Lamoreaux.

At Harrisonburg Ob/gyn Associates ,you can also check for medication prices at different pharmacies before you get your prescription.

Before you get any procedure done, Lamoreaux recommends to talk to your provider about costs.

"The last thing you want to do is do the procedure or the lab and after it's over then we have the problem. It is better to be notified ahead of time," said Lamoreaux.

Also, always be sure to double check your bill and ask questions which will help you make sure your insurance company pays what it is supposed to.

Every doctor's office or hospital may have different policies when it comes to payment.