Tips for traveling by Bacall Associates


Bacall Associates is undeniably one of the experts when it comes to the travel arena, so to avoid any chaotic situations in your travel.

Don't be afraid to bargain

People at Southeast Asia are used to do this approach and it’s already a part of their daily lives. But most westerners are shocked to find out that this is considered a standard practice in the subregion. For them, it looks like an unfair deal to the vendors, but actually, it's not. Most of the time, the first price sellers said is worth more than the item's regular price, and you might end up overpaying. Some foreigners just accept the first price and never tries to disagree with that. You should try to adapt this manner since you don't want to pay more, right? It is not a confrontation, so don't be afraid, just talk with the vendor with a smile. Push yourself a little and you might find it fun after learning to do it.

Booking in advance is not necessary

It is probably tiring and stressful to go to different places at the same time and then going back to the hotel you're staying. If you end up in a certain area and fell in love with that place, and you wanted to stay a few nights in there, then it will be more fun to find a place to stay in that specific place. Your schedule can become flexible if you're not booking rooms in advance because you're the one to decide when and where to stay. But sometimes, booking ahead is a good idea if you're visiting a place during a major event, or if you knew you're going to be tired from a long flight, bus or train ride and doesn't have time to wander around.

Never hurry when it comes to transportation

Don't rush yourself when you are in this region because some things don't arrive on time, so if you're the kind of person who’s strict about his or her time and become easily irritated in delays, then learn to control and cool down yourself. If you're planning to go somewhere in Southeast Asia, expect to wait more minutes or hours in the estimated time of a bus’s arrival, for example. This is largely true for the suburban areas of Southeast Asia, but visiting the cities or capital of the country, especially Singapore, transport systems are a lot more efficient and developed. Don't get frustrated in this situation, but just think that this could bring some positive impact to you because you will learn how to control your distress and increase your patience.