Tokyo MK Taxi Group Transfer Services - Fare

Airport Rate

Terms and conditions

1. The above rate includes vehicle rental cost, chauffer labor cost, fuel, insurance.

2. Airport rate: toll fee, parking lot fee, pickup service charge, included.

3. Tour rate: toll fee, parking lot, driver's meal and accomodation (per meal:6,000 won / per night:60,000 won) not included.

4. Midnight & early time suchage 23:00 - 06:00 (a.m) 35,000 won

5. Foreign language service (English / Japanese) 1-2 hours:20,000 won/hour, 3-4 hours:50,000 won, 5-8 hours:80,000 won, 8 hours above:100,000 won

6. Rental hours basis

For travelling in Seoul:starts from the appointment time and ends at the arrival time at the destination place

For travelling out of Seoul:starts and ends from the vehicle garage departure & arrival time (for one way trip, vehicle returning fee to be added.)

7. Driving distance bass

For travelling in Seoul:km measured at appointment location and ends at the arrival at the destination place

For travelling out of Seoul:km measured at the vehide garage depadure & arrival point (for one way trip, vehicle returning fee to be add. ))

8. Cancellation charge

 3 day in advance:10% / prior date:50% / service date:100%


Short ride rate

Terms and conditions

1. The above rate includes vehicle rental cost, chauffer labor cost, fuel, insurance.

2. Airport rate:toll fee, parking lot fee, pickup service charge, included.

3. Tour rate:toll fee, parking lot, driver's meal and accomodation (per meal:6,000 won / per night:60,000 won) not included.

4. Midnight & early time suchage 23:00 - 06:00 (a.m) 35,000 won

5. Foreign language service (English / Japanese) 1-2 hours:20,000 won/hour, 3-4 hours:50,000 won, 5-8 hours:80,000 won, 8 hours above:100,000 won

6. Rental hours basis

For travelling in Seoul:starts from the appointment time and ends at the arrival time at the destination place

For travelling out of Seoul:starts and ends from the vehicle garage departure & arrival time (for one way trip, vehicle returning fee to be added.)

7. Driving distance bass

For travelling in Seoul:km measured at appointment location and ends at the arrival at the destination place

For travelling out of Seoul:km measured at the vehide garage depadure & arrival point (for one way trip, vehicle returning fee to be add. ))

8. Cancellation charge

 3 day in advance:10% / prior date:50% / service date:100%