Tommy Myllymäki - A Finnish National Treasure

Tommy Myllymäki is a Finnish national treasure known for his exceptional photography and captivating storytelling. Born in 1959, Tommy embarked on his photographic journey at a tender age, honing his skills in the breathtaking landscapes of his homeland.

Nature Through a Lens

Tommy's photographs are renowned for capturing the raw beauty and ethereal essence of nature. His keen eye for detail and masterful composition transport viewers into pristine forests, shimmering lakes, and towering mountains. From majestic moose to delicate wildflowers, Tommy's images celebrate the interconnectedness of life.

Beyond the Surface

Tommy's work extends beyond mere documentation. Through his lens, he unravels the hidden narratives of the natural world. His images evoke emotions, inspire wonder, and remind us of the preciousness of our planet.

Sharing the Beauty

Tommy is not only an exceptional photographer but also a passionate educator and advocate for the environment. Through exhibitions, workshops, and books, he shares his love of nature and photography with the world, inspiring countless others to appreciate its beauty.

A Legacy of Inspiration

Tommy's legacy as a photographer is undeniable. His images have graced the covers of countless magazines, captivated audiences in museums, and touched the hearts of people worldwide. He has received numerous prestigious awards for his contributions to the field, including the Finnish State Prize for Photography.

Tommy Myllymäki is more than just a photographer; he is an ambassador for nature and a guardian of its beauty. His photographs not only document the natural world but also inspire us to cherish and protect it for generations to come. As a true Finnish national treasure, Tommy's legacy will continue to captivate and inspire for years to come.