My element album

Welcome to mHydrien in a remote galaxy. ) get around!y element project. It is about Harry Hydrogen

The Facts 

Harry was Born with a atomic mass of 1.008 and an atomic number of 1.0

He belongs to no particualr family but can be found mixing with most elements.  Here is a picture of  Harry. 

Harry has a cold personlaity as he melts at -259.14 oC, and boils at -252.87 oC,. Thats so cold that at room temperature he extiss as a gas.  However mix him with some elements and the result can be explosive!

Harry  was first considered an element in in 1766 by Henry Cavendish, where he was fisrt isolated. ANother chemist  Lavoisier named him  rom the Greek 'hydro' meaning water and 'genes' meaning forming -  in fact Harry gets along really well with oxygen and forms water. 

Here are two pictures of Cavendish and Lavoisier 


Because Harry gets along so well with everyone he mixes with halogens to form halides. oxygen to domr oxides, sulfur for Hydrogen sulfide  ( smelly this one)  and carbon to maje hydrocarbons

He has a caeer in  motor cars, food as he helps make margarine. ammonia (NH3) to use in making fertilizer.rocket fuel

Here is Hydrogen being used in a car