Tornado Durban

I was just a kid when the tornado hit Durban. I remember the day vividly. It was a hot summer day, and I was playing in the backyard with my friends. Suddenly, the sky turned dark and the wind started to howl. We ran inside the house and huddled together in the hallway. The tornado tore through our neighborhood, ripping up trees and power lines. It was a terrifying experience, but thankfully no one was hurt.

Tornadoes are rare in Durban, but they can happen. It's important to be aware of the risks and to know what to do if you're caught in one.

Here are some tips for staying safe during a tornado:

  • Go to a sturdy building and stay away from windows.
  • If you're in a car, get out and find shelter in a ditch or culvert.
  • If you're outside, lie down in a ditch or culvert and cover your head with your hands.

Tornadoes can be deadly, but by following these tips you can help to stay safe.

In the aftermath of the tornado, our neighborhood came together to help clean up the mess. It was a difficult time, but we got through it together. I'm grateful that no one was hurt, and I'm proud of the way our community came together to help each other.