Just Say NO to a Psychedelic Mind

What produces the psychedelic experience? What is it based on that the experience of the existence changes when one is under the influence of a psychoactive agent? Why is it that the psychedelic experience causes the sense that they enhance creativity? Why do the psychoactive substances make an individual feel that it is a learning experience? These are the main questions that are related to value-relative support on the use of psycho-active substances, these are the issues that support the existence of a psychedelic mind blue meanie .

My analysis concerning the psychedelic experience won't be prejudged, although the heading itself contains a sense of the presence of a prejudgment. The heading is the conclusion of my analysis, based on the fact that the experiences and knowledge received through the psychedelic experiences are useless for the society as well as for the individual. If you feel hearted for the use of the psychedelic substances, this may come to you as an insult, but truths expressed in this paper will manifest why the psychedelic mind contains no deeper purposes, no deeper meanings, not any secrets of the existence revealing properties, but sensations that have no value for the non-altered dynamics of the sub-consciousness, and produce knowledge that are even harmful for the information driven continuum of mankind in the collective level.

The experience of life is more than just the molecular basis of our existence, and we can gain higher value of existence through for example ethics, heroism, existentialism, and actions that manifest love. As our experience of life is information-relative, and representational, if I for example perceive myself in fantasane Faustian context saying myself that "With the power of my words, I conquered the Universe", I may perceive myself in a fantasized collective purpose par excellence, perceive how my words could alter the information driven continuum of mankind, how my ways of thought could become a permanent part of the collective consciousness, experiencing the memic combinatory evolution, wherein I myself would exist as the logical connector, although my body through which I receive my awareness would have seized to exist, I myself as a soul existing unaware, but not in nothingness.

The representational context in our awareness is again based on the dynamics of our sub-consciousness, the logical connections made naturally by the collective of my neurons, whose interrelations produce the contents of the environment in the form I will perceive it after the content generative cycle, of which entities I can thereafter consciously valuate, define and determine their causes and purposes. And as I haven't altered the dynamics of my sub-consciousness by the use of psychedelic substances, changing the chemical balance in my brains, if you have enough units of information to decode my thoughts from the words and the logic uniting the representations of the words to another representation, higher in the information space hierarchy, then you may understand what I'm talking about in the fantasane example above and continue from there on the valuation cycle we may collectively produce.

But let us now consider the dynamics of the sub-consciousness and the neurology of our brains through as simple word as internal complexity, and continue the analysis of the psychedelic mind through simple logic. The internal complexity IC of entity A produces representation B, when its internal complexity IC has not been altered by the agent P. But if the internal complexity IC of entity A is altered by the agent P, and as the representations that emerge to the consciousness of entity A are in direct relativity with its internal complexity IC, entity A is unable to receive the representation B, since the agent P alters the combination of the internal complexity to IC + P, and as IC produces the representation B, the internal complexity IC + P will produce representation C. IC -> B and IC + P -> C.

Thus, the logical connections made by the internal complexity IC to produce the representation B are impossible for the entity A to receive, since the internal complexity has been altered to the state of IC + P. And because the interrelations of every functional part in the internal complexity IC are the functional basis to produce representations, when adding agent P that can only be added through exochemical sources to the IC, IC as an entity is transformed into entity ICP. And as agent P is from an exochemical source of neurotransmitters, the internal complexity IC cannot create the entity P without obtaining it through exosomatic sources. And without obtaining it, IC cannot create representation C, nor is the representation C from the ICP from natural dynamics of the IC.

I will now apply the logic above to produce conclusions why we do not have any use for the knowledge, i.e. representations produced by the psychedelic mind ICP. One is able to fully understand knowledge produced by the psychedelic mind only if one's own internal complexity has also been altered. Representations (C) have only value for the altered internal complexity for an individual and for others. The societies have not been created under the influence of agent P, but through natural dynamics of the sub-consciousness and the developmental state of the information reality. The marijuana induced sense of peace is a marijuana induced sense of peace, and has nothing to do with the natural sense of peace and how things should be. Instead of expanding the awareness, psychedelic agents narrow the awareness in relativity with representations that can only be produced under the influence of the agent P.

- Why does the psychedelic mind produce different kind of knowledge:
Because the dynamics of the sub-consciousness has been altered by psychedelic substances, and because the interpretational cycle of the environment and reality in general alters inevitably when the dynamics of the sub-consciousness has been changed, the psychedelic mind is bound to produce different kind of knowledge.

- Why does it seem that psychedelic mind is a creative state of mind:
The through psychedelic substances altered dynamics of the sub-consciousness cannot produce representations that the natural dynamics would produce, since the content generative cycle is based on the interconnectivity of the neurons in the brains. Because the altered dynamics of the sub-consciousness are bound to produce different kind of knowledge, it may seem that the psychedelic state of mind is a creative state of mind, although it has nothing to do with creativity, but only to do with changing the natural dynamics of the constructive mind.

- Why won't the psychedelic experiences expand your mind:
The psychedelic substances narrow the mind to representations that can only be received from the sub-consciousness that has been altered. Without the alteration, the representations (IC + P -> C) have no value for the natural dynamics.

- Why is the knowledge produced through the psychedelic experience harmful for the information driven continuum of mankind:
In the collective level, knowledge produced by the psychedelic mind can be considered as a distortion of reality, as can lies be also considered, and the more the collective capacity of mankind contains psychedelic knowledge, i.e. the more knowledge that has been produced through the ICP has entropy, the more it distorts the continuum to a path that has no value for the natural dynamics.

- Why the knowledge obtained through and from the psychedelic mind has no value:
This can be understood best in the context of semantics. As I write this text down, I encode the representations in my consciousness to the form of language, which your sub-consciousness and you through your conscious valuations decode. If I had altered my sub-conscious brain functions with the agent P, I would definitively encode my representations differently and the contents of my representational reality would also be different. If the emotional experiences related to the ICP can be experienced only under the influence of the agent P, you would have no chance at all to obtain the same experience, and you could only faintly relate to the matters I expressed in semantic terms under the influence of the agent P. The rest is easy to deduce.

- Why won't the psychedelic experiences give you valuable experiences:
The psychedelic experiences can be obtained only through ICP, but what good is that for? You will experience something that has only value one's being in the state of ICP, but it won't go any further than that. You cannot make that the basis of your life, since if you would, you would need the agent P all the time in order to maintain such a reality for yourself. Ones in the natural IC, you cannot even relate yourself to the experiences in the state of ICP. So what good is that for? You cannot make it to be a stable continuum. The society systems are not driven by the psychedelic values, nor aren't the most of the people that exist.

- Why will the psychedelic mind harm your future life:
The more you adapt your behavior in relativity with the value-relative behavior of ICP, the harder it becomes to you to live in relativity with the value-relative behavior of the natural IC. The more your awareness is composed of knowledge that has been obtained through ICP, the more your awareness contains knowledge that has little if not at all value for the natural IC. And if you consider that your behavior is in direct relativity with the representations that come to your consciousness, the more you have knowledge that is composed in the ICP, the continuum of your own life is directed by such content. And as you are a part of the collective existence of humanity, that part of the superorganism of mankind functions in relativity with the ICP. And it is NOT a richness of diversity, since the knowledge produced in relativity with ICP can be related with only in relativity with ICP.