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Macron Warns Virus Is 'not Behind Us;' Urges Vaccination 토토사이트 검증

PARIS (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron cautioned Wednesday that the infection emergency "isn't behind us" in the wake of going to an administration meeting zeroed in on the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Macron asked all French individuals who are qualified to get a COVID-19 immunization. For a little while, France has confronted an increment in number of day by day diseases, driven by the profoundly infectious delta variation, which currently represents most new cases. France is detailing more than 22,000 new affirmed cases every day overall. 

"The wellbeing emergency isn't behind us, obviously ... We will live for a few additional months with this infection," he said. 

Around 45 million individuals in France — 67% of the populace — have now gotten no less than one infection shot and 56% are completely immunized. 

France is presently expecting individuals to show a QR code demonstrating they have a unique infection pass before they can enter cafés and bistros or travel via plane, train or transport the nation over. The action is important for an administration intend to urge more individuals to have a COVID-19 antibody chance and hinder the spread of the infection. 

French government representative Gabriel Attal declared Wednesday that in certain locales where the plague is spreading all the more quickly, the infection pass will be required in huge shopping centers. The action has effectively been set up since July for social and sporting scenes like shows and sports fields. 

The pass is given to individuals who are immunized against COVID-19, have evidence of a new recuperation from the infection or who have a new bad test. 

Macron particularly communicated worries about the "pressing" circumstance in French abroad domains, in the Caribbean. Martinique and Guadeloupe islands have been enrolling around 1,200 and 1800 affirmed cases for each 100,000 occupants, individually — contrasted and 235 on normal in France. 

"On the off chance that we need to show that inoculation is the best way to react to the delta variation, shockingly it is unfeelingly illustrated," Macron said, focusing on that in the two islands just about 20% of individuals over 12 are completely immunized, to contrast and 66% in the territory. 

Macron said 231 medical care laborers and 70 crisis laborers passed on Tuesday to carry some assistance to the soaked clinics in Martinique and Guadeloupe. The two islands have been put under a lockdown and sightseers have been approached to leave.