
Assessment: Not Allowing Warm-ups 'clearly So Dangerous' For Gymnasts 

TOKYO — The International Gymnastics Federation will get somebody killed. 토토사이트

Gymnasts, mentors – anybody with any presence of mind, truly – are asking indeed for what good reason the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) restricts warm-ups before occasion finals. They're fine during qualifying. They're fine for the group rivalry. Also, they're fine for the overall last. 

However during occasion finals, when gymnasts are breaking out their greatest and most hazardous abilities, the FIG is making them go in cold. Plainly, in light of Russia's Angelina Melnikova blowing on her hands Sunday night and China's Lu Yufei and Fan Yilin wearing large, puffy coats. 

"That standard is so imbecilic and it's clearly so perilous on the grounds that you don't will go on the occasion before you will contend. Which truly sucks," new Olympic all-around champion Suni Lee said subsequent to winning a bronze award on lopsided bars Sunday. "That is only sort of uncalled for. It sucks for everyone (similarly), except I think we merit it." 

Russia Anastasiia Iliankova, left, and Suni Lee hug contending on the lopsided bars finals Sunday. 

For those new, except for occasion finals, gymnasts are offered time to heat up on every contraption before they contend. It's known as a "one touch," and it's 30 seconds on most occasions, and 50 seconds on lopsided bars and equal bars. The ladies get a few endeavors on vault. 

There are a few explanations behind this. In the first place, duh. Competitors need to heat up prior to contending, regardless of whether it's a quarterback tossing uninvolved or a reliever throwing a couple of pitchers on the hill. 

Second, at significant rivalries like the Olympics and big showdowns, gymnasts contend on a platform. Gear feels and responds distinctively when it's on a raised stage than when it's on level ground, and gymnasts need time to acclimate to that. 

For the most part, be that as it may, it's about wellbeing. The abilities tip top level gymnasts are doing these days are hard to the point that to do them whenever they haven't got an opportunity to heat up and figure out the gear would request somebody to get harmed. Or then again more regrettable. 

Story proceeds 

In any case, the FIG chose in the mid 2000s that warm-ups aren't required for occasion finals – in spite of this being the period of the opposition where gymnasts move forward their trouble in order to win a decoration. The gymnasts in the last are presented and, when that finishes up, the primary individual up must be prepared go. 

As the first up on lopsided bars, Lee couldn't wear her warm-ups during introductions since she wouldn't have had the opportunity to take them off. 

"Truly, sort it out and give them a one touch," Chellsie Memmel, the 2005 title holder and an individual from the U.S. Group that won silver at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, said on Twitter. "Competitor wellbeing is plainly not your first concern in occasion finals. It ought to be." 

Gymnasts and mentors have been protesting about the no-contact rule since it was founded in the mid 2000s. Be that as it may, it's stood out enough to be noticed at the Tokyo Olympics on the grounds that Simone Biles' withdrawal during the group contest brought the actual dangers of the game into more honed center. 

Gotten some information about the downpour of analysis that followed Sunday's occasion finals, which were set apart by various falls and alarming minutes that might have been the consequence of no warm-ups, the FIG said it "takes appropriately note of this solicitation made by the gymnasts." 

"The competitors' security is a flat out need for the FIG and the point will be brought to the consideration of the Executive Committee for thought," the FIG said in an explanation. 

It should be more than thought of. It should be finished. 


The "no-contact" warm-ups were important for past FIG president Bruno Grandi's rule of dread, yet one more "advancement" that has just served to harm the game. Dumping the 10.0 scoring framework? Steadily contracting groups? The ridiculous passing framework for Tokyo that no one comprehended? His thoughts, as well. 

Grandi evidently said the "no touch" was on the grounds that it was better for telecasters, who didn't need slack time with three and four occasion finals every day. But, the decorations services they're holding after every last in Tokyo, alongside the time expected to set up and take photographs after, are fine! Fine and dandy! 

"After today I trust that the (FIG) acknowledges how significant the touch warm-up is for the security and prosperity of the competitors!" Cecile Landi, who addressed France at the 1996 Olympics and presently mentors Biles with her better half, Laurent, said on Twitter. "And furthermore would we be able to do the honors at the end so they don't stand by much more than they ought to contend." 

Competitors sweat and penance for quite a long time to be at their best at the Olympics and big showdowns. It's not all that much to ask that the FIG not hinder that.