
Clean Olympian Auctions Silver Medal For Infant's Heart Surgery, But Winning Bidder Won't Accept It 온라인카지노

Not so much as about fourteen days since winning a silver decoration at the Tokyo Olympics, Polish spear hurler Maria Andrejczyk put it available to be purchased to assist with saving a baby's life. 

On Monday, she reported that she surpassed her gathering pledges objective. Furthermore, she's keeping her silver decoration because of the giver who put her ridiculous. 

Andrejczyk declared the bartering on Facebook on Aug. 11, five days in the wake of getting the silver decoration in lance. She composed that she decided to raise assets for Miłoszek Małysa, a 8-month-old kid who needs to go from Poland to Stanford University in California to have life-saving heart medical procedure. She didn't know Małysa, however composed that she realized his motivation was the right decision in the wake of perusing on the web supplications for help from his folks. 

"Miłoszek has a genuine heart deformity, he needs an activity," Andrejczyk composed, per Google Translate. "He likewise has support from above from Kubuś — a kid who didn't make it on schedule, however magnificent individuals chose to give his assets to Miłoszek. What's more, this is the means by which I need to help as well. It is for him that I am selling my Olympic silver decoration." 

Andrejczyk composed that Małysa required 1.5 million Polish zlotys — generally $385,000 — to take care of the expenses of his transportation and clinical consideration. She composed that half had effectively been raised by the family's online pledge drive and that her objective alongside Małysa's mom was to raise the other half through the decoration sell off. 

Andrejczyk, 25, is a malignancy survivor. A 2018 sinus X-Ray uncovered that she experienced osteosarcoma, a sort of disease that structures in the cells that structure bones. She required a medical procedure, yet not chemotherapy and had the option to restart preparing for the Tokyo Games in 2019. She recently contended in the Rio Olympics in 2016, where she polished two centimeters off the platform in fourth spot. 

She recuperated on schedule to contend in Tokyo, where her toss of 64.61 meters acquired her the silver award on Aug. 6 behind China's gold-decoration champ Shiying Liu (66.34 meters). While she loves the achievement, she concluded that putting the award available to be purchased was of more worth than keeping it herself. 

"The genuine worth of an award consistently stays in the heart," Małysa said, per the Times of London. "An award is just an item, yet it very well may be of extraordinary worth to other people. This silver can save lives, rather than gathering dust in a storeroom. That is the reason I chose to sell it to assist with sicking youngsters." 

After a fourth-place finish in Rio, Maria Andrejczyk made the platform in Tokyo. (Reuters/Aleksandra Szmigiel) © Provided by Yahoo! Sports After a fourth-place finish in Rio, Maria Andrejczyk made the platform in Tokyo. (Reuters/Aleksandra Szmigiel) Auction objective met, yet Andrejczyk will keep her decoration 

On Monday, Andrejczyk reported that the bartering was shut. A Polish general store chain called Zabka made the triumphant bid. 

"We have the victor of the closeout!" she composed. "On Friday I got this magnificent data, and because of the way that you dears have effectively done ponders and joint powers have paid more than what might be compared to the underlying award to the Miłoszek account — I chose to end the bartering so our Miłoszek will get the entire sum quickly and can travel to the USA. 

"The victor, and simultaneously, the organization I will be unceasingly appreciative to is the organization Zabka." 

Zabka affirmed that it made the triumphant bid with a Facebook message perusing: "We were moved by the excellent and incredibly honorable motion" made by Andrejczyk. 

Zabka smoothly declined to acknowledge the silver award. 

"We likewise concluded that the silver decoration from Tokyo will remain with Ms. Maria."