
Afghan Youth National Footballer Was One Of The Victims That Fell From US Military Aircraft, Says Afghan Sports Directorate 안전놀이터

"With incredible lament and trouble, we got data that Zaki Anwari, one of the young footballers of the public group, has lost his life in a horrendous episode," the assertion said. 

The post proceeded with that youthful Anwari was "trying to leave the nation like hundreds other youth from his country. He has tumbled down from the US military plane and lost his life." 

One day after the Taliban assumed responsibility for Afghanistan's capital city Kabul on Sunday, many individuals escaped to the landing area at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul on Monday, frantic to figure out how to clear the country. 

As the C-17 airplanes maneuvered to the runway a few group clung to the setting down gear as the airplane acquired speed. Video arose soon after showing a C-17 climbing over Kabul and something like two bodies tumbling from the airplane. 

Afghanistan's General Directorate of Body and Sports explanation said Anwari was among "a few different comrades who tumbled to the ground while flying" looking for a "superior future in America." 

"They kicked the bucket and were martyred," the post said, "may his spirit find happiness in the hereafter and his memory be recollected." 

The post included supplications for Anwari to be "allowed elevated place in paradise and go to God to give persistence for his family, companions and his games confidants the same."