
Ukraine's Zelensky Makes Surprise Appearance At The Grammys 온라인카지노
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky showed up at the Grammy Awards, asking watchers in pre-taped comments to "fill the quiet with your music."

"What's more inverse to music?" Zelensky asked on Sunday in the video allegedly shot as of late from a fortification in Kyiv. "The quiet of demolished urban areas and killed individuals," he said.

"Our friends and family couldn't say whether we will be together once more. The conflict doesn't allow us to pick who gets by and who stays in timeless quietness," he proceeded. "Our artists wear body reinforcement rather than tuxedos. They sing to the injured in clinics - even to the people who can't hear them. In any case, the music will get through in any case."

The video showed up in front of John Legend's presentation of his melody, "Free." Legend's exhibition included pictures from the contention and highlighted an artist from Donbas, Ukraine, Lyuba Yakimchuk, who discussed words including, "Safeguard my country."

"On our territory, we are battling Russia, which carries horrendous quietness with its bombs," Zelensky said before Legend made that big appearance. "Fill the quiet with your music! Fill it today - to recount our story. Come clean about this conflict on your interpersonal organizations, on TV. Support us in any capacity you can. Any - yet not quiet. And afterward harmony will come."

Zelensky has procured overall commendation for his initiative - settling on continuous decisions to activity from the roads or inside dugouts in Kyiv - in the midst of Russia's intrusion that started in February. Last month, Zelensky conveyed a virtual location to individuals from Congress.

An appearance by Ukraine's leader had been considered as a component of another high-profile Hollywood entertainment ceremony seven days sooner, yet didn't work out as expected.

Oscars co-have Amy Schumer said she had drifted to the show's makers having the Ukrainian chief show up last Sunday.

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"I needed to figure out how to have Zelensky like satellite in, or make a tape or something, on the grounds that such countless eyes get on us," Schumer said.

The Academy Awards rather circulated a favorable to Ukraine message during the function, saying the worldwide local area "can accomplish more" to help the country in the midst of Russia's tactical hostile.